Workshop vine stock decoration (France)

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The vine stock, the centrepiece of your interior!

In search of the real “coup de coeur”, EXCEPTIONAL and AUTHENTIC, we have made the 70 YEARS OLD ARTISANAL VINE STOCK VARIETY!

To achieve this, we had to go off the beaten track, find the exceptional vine stock, prepare it and sand it by hand with an exemplary finish. Then we treat it as naturally as possible by steaming it. The first rule of the Old Branch workshop is that we do not use any chemical products! Finally, we make a harmonious foot for it, in raw material, made of wood or metal to emphasize the lines of the vine stock.

It is with pleasure that we present our creations and offers reserved for professionals who love the authentic.

Cep de vigne 14


The trend is towards natural wood, with an authentic and unique design. The sandblasted decorative vine foot blends perfectly with Nordic and modern decor.

Think natural wood sculpture in vine stock to dress up your room!



Be creative by adopting sanded wood lamps instead of driftwood. A 70 year old wood that grew in the vineyards of Nantes!

The nature of the wood and the light of our wooden lamps will give a warm atmosphere to your interior.

For professionals who are looking for a hit:

  • You have a chic shop, you are an architect or interior designer, you have a restaurant, a hotel, a wellness area, you have a wine estate or you are a winegrower, you are looking for tailor-made and exceptional products, we meet your needs:
  • Customised orders
  • Sale of vine stocks as is
  • Sale of sanded and treated vine stocks
  • Transformation according to your needs


Why did we choose the vine stock?

We chose it first of all for its authenticity, the nobility of its wood and for its originality.
Both long and twisted, it unfolds its branches to the rhythm of the seasons and the harvest. The winegrower prunes the shoots and shapes its silhouette for decades. No two vine stocks are alike in nature. Unique in their kind, our vine stocks have an average age of 70 years and have all grown up in the Nantes vineyard in Vallet: the capital of Muscadet.

Better known as a corkscrew, it had its hours of glory with our parents and grandparents. Did you know that the vine shovel has its origins in the Maine and Loire region in France? We remember the outings in a grey van, you remember the Citroën Type H! As a family, we used to fill it with vine stocks and bundles of vine shoots for barbecues. Even the barrels had trouble finding their place…
If we inherited corkscrews made of vine stock, it is thanks to its longevity. It must be said that the wood is of a rare hardness.

You understood, we like this wood for its nobility, the artistic challenge and also for all these memories which rocked our childhood.

Today we have embarked on a slightly crazy project. Bringing up to date the famous sommelier corkscrew that our parents and grandparents knew so well. You will be surprised by the youthful look that we have given.

Also discover our vivarium – terrarium and aquarium wood

> More about the Vieille Branche workshop

Fourgonnette Citroën pour transporter les ceps de vigne

Un bois difficile à travailler !

Indeed, it is a difficult wood to work which gives all its value in the form of a decorative object. It has several successive layers of bark with soft and hard parts for the heart of the wood. Like all woods, it needs to be exposed to the elements for several months or even years to dry, to lose its sap.

Depending on the sanding methods used, the raw wood changes color. It can be light like driftwood or dark like old wood. We use different grains of sand to obtain more or less warm shades. It is often at the time of sanding that we discover all the richness of its forms and therefore its aesthetics. We particularly appreciate this moment of discovery. This is the moment when we project ourselves into artistic creation. The stump then becomes a decorative vine. After many attempts at treating the wood, Nicolas and I finally opted for a traditional and 100% natural method.

We offer it a second life, a new function: decorating an entrance hall, a meeting room or a living room.

Between the traditional plant and the wooden sculpture, the sablé vine brings a certain natural chic: French elegance!


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