Definitions :
The Publisher: The person, natural or legal, who publishes the online public communication services.
The Site: All sites, web pages and online services offered by the Publisher.
The User: The person using the Site and the services.
Nature of the data collected
In the course of using the Sites, the Publisher may collect the following categories of data about its Users:
Civil status, identity and identification data, etc.
Connection data (IP addresses, event logs, etc.)
Communication of personal data to third parties
No communication to third parties
Your data will not be disclosed to third parties. However, you are informed that they may be disclosed in application of a law, a regulation or by virtue of a decision of a competent regulatory or judicial authority.
Prior information for the communication of personal data to third parties in the event of a merger / absorption
Collection of opt-in consent for the transfer of data following a merger/acquisition
In the event that we become involved in a merger, acquisition or other form of asset transfer, we undertake to obtain your prior consent to the transfer of your personal data and to maintain the level of confidentiality of your personal data to which you have consented.
Purpose of re-use of personal data collected
To carry out operations relating to the management of customers concerning
contracts; orders; deliveries; invoices; accounting and in particular the management of customer accounts
a loyalty programme within one or more legal entities
customer relationship management such as satisfaction surveys, complaint management and after-sales service
the selection of customers to carry out studies, surveys and product tests (unless the consent of the persons concerned is obtained under the conditions provided for in Article 6, these operations must not lead to the establishment of profiles likely to reveal sensitive data – racial or ethnic origins, philosophical, political, trade union or religious opinions, sex life or health of the persons)
Management of requests for access, rectification and opposition rights
Aggregation of data
Aggregation with non-personal data
We may publish, disclose and use Aggregate Information (information about all of our Users or specific groups or categories of Users that we combine so that an individual User can no longer be identified or referred to) and Non-Personal Information for industry and market analysis, demographic profiling, promotional and advertising purposes and other business purposes.
Aggregation with personal data available on the User’s social accounts
If you connect your account to an account on another service for the purpose of cross-mailing, that service may share your profile information, login information, and any other information you have authorized to be shared with us. We may aggregate information about all of our other Users, groups, and accounts with available personal data about the User.
Collection of Identity Data
Free consultation
Consultation of the Site does not require registration or prior identification. It can be carried out without you providing any personal data about yourself (surname, first name, address, etc.). We do not record any personal data for the simple consultation of the Site.
Collection of identification data
Use of the user’s identifier only for access to the services
We use your electronic identifiers only for and during the execution of the contract.
Collection of terminal data
Collection of profiling data and technical data for the purpose of providing the service
Some of the technical data of your device is collected automatically by the Site. This information includes your IP address, Internet service provider, hardware configuration, software configuration, browser type and language, etc. The collection of this data is necessary for the provision of the services.
Collection of technical data for advertising, marketing and statistical purposes
Technical data from your device is automatically collected and stored by the Site for advertising, marketing and statistical purposes. This information helps us to personalise and continually improve your experience on our Site. We do not collect or store any personal data (name, first name, address, etc.) that may be attached to technical data. The data collected may be sold to third parties.
Cookie retention period
In accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, the maximum duration of conservation of cookies is 13 months after their first deposit in the User’s terminal, as is the duration of the validity of the User’s consent to the use of these cookies. The lifetime of cookies is not extended with each visit. The User’s consent must therefore be renewed at the end of this period.
Purpose of cookies
Cookies may be used for statistical purposes, in particular to optimise the services provided to the User, based on the processing of information concerning the frequency of access, the personalisation of pages, the operations carried out and the information consulted.
You are informed that the Publisher may place cookies on your terminal. The cookie records information relating to navigation on the service (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of consultation, etc.) which we can read during your subsequent visits.
User’s right to refuse cookies
You acknowledge that you have been informed that the Publisher may use cookies. If you do not want cookies to be used on your terminal, most browsers allow you to disable cookies through the settings options.
Retention of technical data
Duration of the retention of technical data
Technical data is kept for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above.
Storage period for personal data and anonymisation
Retention of data for the duration of the contractual relationship
In accordance with article 6-5° of the law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, personal data subject to processing are not kept beyond the time necessary for the execution of the obligations defined at the time of the conclusion of the contract or the predefined duration of the contractual relationship.
Retention of anonymised data beyond the contractual relationship / after deletion of the account
We keep personal data for the period of time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes described in these GTC. After this period, the data will be anonymised and kept exclusively for statistical purposes and will not be used in any way whatsoever.
Deletion of data after deletion of the account
Means of purging data are put in place in order to provide for the effective deletion of data as soon as the period of conservation or archiving necessary for the achievement of the determined or imposed purposes is reached. In accordance with the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you also have a right to delete your data that you can exercise at any time by contacting the Publisher.
Deletion of data after 3 years of inactivity
For security reasons, if you have not logged on to the Site for a period of three years, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to log on as soon as possible, otherwise your data will be deleted from our databases.
Account deletion
Deletion of account on request
The User may delete his or her Account at any time, by simple request to the Publisher OR through the Account deletion menu in the Account settings if applicable.
Account deletion in the event of a breach of the TOS
If you violate any provision of the TOS or any other document incorporated herein by reference, the Publisher reserves the right to terminate or restrict your use of and access to the Services, your Account and all Sites at its sole discretion without prior notice.
Indications in case of a security breach detected by the Publisher
Information to the User in the event of a security breach
We undertake to implement all appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks of accidental, unauthorised or illegal access, disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction of your personal data. In the event that we become aware of unlawful access to your personal data stored on our servers or those of our service providers, or of unauthorised access resulting in the risks identified above, we undertake to
Notify you of the incident as soon as possible;
Examine the causes of the incident and inform you of them;
Take reasonable steps to mitigate the negative effects and harm that may result from the incident
Limitation of liability
In no event shall the undertakings set out in the above section relating to notification of security breaches be construed as an admission of fault or liability for the occurrence of the breach in question.
Transfer of personal data abroad
No transfer outside the European Union
The Publisher undertakes not to transfer the personal data of its Users outside the European Union.
Changes to the TOU and Privacy Policy
In the event of a change to the TOS, we will not lower the level of privacy substantially without first informing the individuals concerned
We undertake to inform you in the event of a substantial change to these TOU, and not to lower the level of confidentiality of your data substantially without informing you and obtaining your consent.
Applicable law and remedies
Arbitration clause
You expressly agree that any dispute that may arise as a result of these TOU, including its interpretation or performance, will be referred to arbitration subject to the rules of the arbitration platform chosen by mutual agreement, to which you will adhere without reservation.
Data Portability
Data Portability
The Publisher undertakes to offer you the possibility of having all your data returned to you on request. The User is thus guaranteed better control of his data, and retains the possibility of reusing them. This data must be provided in an open and easily reusable format.
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I was going to write to you to tell you that these 2 vine stocks are incredibly beautiful. I live in a wine region too but I have rarely seen vine stocks with such an imposing base, magnificent, I am very happy.
I received the package
I am delighted, it is a very beautiful object that I am sure will have its effect!
Thank you
I just received the package. The vine stock is beautiful and I like it a lot. Thank you very much again.
Package received, very nice lamp, thank you very much!
Voilà, la branche est arrivée ce matin.... quelle merveille! Encore plus belle de ce qu'on avait imaginé !
Oui, je vous enverrai des photos... sans faute. Mais il faudra juste avoir un peu de patience... mon compagnon prends toujours un peu de temps pour faire les choses 😁
Merci beaucoup
This is great news, to see your creations in real life with the material has really comforted me in the investment I am making.
These are great creations.
Thank you and have a nice day.
I fell under the charm of the authenticity that emanates from the Vieille Branche vine stock. Being a unique piece, placed on my sideboard, it brings an original and warm cachet to my living room.
I received the vine stock in perfect condition. Thank you very much for your help.
> Notre produit phare : tire bouchon sommelier